This October 2014 article:
Cutting Europe's carbon emissions 40 percent by 2030 would be "too little too late" according to the vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Back in January, the European Commission -- the executive body of the European Union (E.U.), which is tasked with proposing legislation among other things -- proposed a new goal to cut the E.U.'s greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent below their 1990 levels by 2030. But the target has been in heated contention since, with Eastern European countries in particular arguing it would put an unfair burden on their economies, which are less developed compared to the rest of the Continent.

On Monday, the BBC reported that Professor Jim Skea, a vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said the 40 percent cut would be insufficient. His argument, in a nutshell, is that European politicians do not understand how much the Continent's economy must change to reach the longer-term goal of cutting emissions 80 to 95 percent by 2050. Because the easiest technological changes and climate protection measures have largely already been put to use, cutting emissions only 40 percent by 2030 will leave European countries poorly positioned to close the remaining distance to the 2050 goal -- effectively requiring them to cut emissions by 300 percent in just two decades.

"I don't think many people have grasped just how huge this task is," Skea told the BBC. "It is absolutely extraordinary and unprecedented. My guess is that 40 percent for 2030 is too little too late if we are really serious about our long-term targets."


I often assign: "either prove the numbers are correct or prove they (which?) are not correct" Here could be double errors or else a bit of each: (a) Find the error, what it is? (b) However correcting to what they meant to say with that figure, is the claim true

(Solution in html comments in this page)