Screening Mammography

   "Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women. The good news is that over 90 percent of breast cancer can be cured if detected early. Screening mammography is the best tool a woman can use to find breast cancer at the earliest and smallest stage.
   "Tumors found in younger women are often more aggressive than in older women, making it all the more important to start screening mammography in the mid-thirties. exams are recommended annually after age 35."

With consistent annual mammograms,
early cancer this small can be found.

Average size of breast cancer determined by mammography.

Average size of all breast cancer detected.

Average size of self-detected breast cancer.

"A cancerous tumor that has grown to 2.8cm has
17 times as many malignant cells as a lump easily
detected by a mammogram"

SOURCE: The Mammography Center, Centra Health (for Central Virginia region).

Assignment: The above is copied directly, word-for-word from a newspaper ad.
Justify or contradict the figure "17" in the above. Write down a clear, precise,
carefully written explanation, fully detailing your modeling, analysis, and conclusions.